New Story

Started a new story today.  In keeping with my apparent Zombie theme, it is going to be a story about mankind's struggle for survival against impossible odds.  It is dark, and will hopefully have a bit of dark humor in it as well. 

I am not too sure why I decided to go with the whole zombie thing, I guess it is because I like halloween and I want to plug my site. It is a good site, fun and frivolous, but not informational.  I figured why be too informational, it's only Halloween, Besides how much information could you possibly put in a website?  Really all there is for information is Halloween History, and how Halloween is celebrated, and that has been done to death, so I am going to concentrate solely on the entertainment aspect of it.  With any luck, I can make a go of this..  Wish me luck!

My New Dark Poem

Hey there!

So I decided to sit down and write another dark poem.  It is pretty simplistic in it's structure, much like the last one, but I wen a little bit darker.  I took an old Urban Legend and made it my own.  I didn't go into detail too much on it, didn't really feel like I should, thought that it would take away from the imagination of it.

I think that I am going to try to divide things up.  I am going to have one page in my halloween blog as poems, and another, I am going to attempt to write a story or two.  If I can get 1500 words, I think that should be sufficient for a short story.

Anyway, check out my poem. You will be able to find it under the tab Poems Tab. Hopefully it is read-worthy. Enjoy!

My New Banner!

A few days ago, I decided to try to give my website a more professional look by getting a banner for it.  Now I don't have the creative "techspertise" to go and try to produce my own banner, so I decided, on the suggestion of a Niche Choppers Forum Member to try a place called and the results were fantastic! I gave what I thought to be little inforamtion on my site, and they produced this:

I think it is a pretty good job for what little info I gave them. I am going to try to use it whenever possible. Great job,!

A Follower!

It would appear that this little Halloween blog has it's first follower.  I'm stoked.  It gives me a reason to post more. Thanks for following my blog, and I will do my best to make it as interesting as possible.  
But please bear in mind, I work crummy hours, and I will soon be a new father, so my time will be limited.  I will try, though. :)

It's Been Too Long!

Looking back at my posts, I noticed that it has been a considerably long time since I posted anything to this Halloween blog.  Not very astute, I must say. Anyway, Halloween is just around the corner, and I am excited!  Soon I will be able to enjoy Halloween with my child.  I will be able to see things thru the eyes of a child. and do the trick or treat thing in a few years.  Can't wait!  
Looking forward to the Halloween parties, and my wife is looking forward to the dress-up aspect of it.  FUN! 
We will be able to make a haunted house for the kids, and really enjoy it.  Fatherhood is going to be great!

Site Update!

Just added more to my site, hope to make it a little bit more interesting.  Check it out!

Click here to be directed to Demonic Decor at Halloween 365-24/7!
With halloween a few months away, you can get a head start on ideas to make your haunted house the most frightening, soul disturbing house on the block.

Going to update it again in the next few days, so stay tuned!

Looking for the real Dracula


Dracula and Halloween go together like apples and caramel, werewolves and full moons, and various other things that go together well and are halloween related! Check out the article, I'm too scared!

LOVIN' this new template!

 Just downloaded a template for my halloween blog.  LOVE IT!  I finally have a suitable background.  Thanks for the template, girlyblogger, it's just what I have been looking for.

New Website

I have a new website that is about half done.  It will feature all kinds of crazy costumes, wacky decorations and some truly awesome accessories! Drop by and have a look, the address is Check us out, you won't be dissappointed!